Category Archives: Techno-Genius


You know, right now I can’t be bothered to go through all the Convoluted Computer Crap to update feeds and links and all that BS, so just go here, OK??? I’ll do all the scut work and update, and explain everything later, when I am not in the middle of a mini-freakout…Or not…


Yeah, it’s 1 am, and I’m f*cking with the links again…This can only end badly…


So today I decided that I would spend this evening online, doing more Bloggy and organizational stuff for my art crap, to keep my mind off the primaries until final results were in…I figure I know how it’s going to turn out anyway, but I will drive myself absolutely nuts if I keep checking the news, flipping to CNN, etc.

I moved the Blog a little while back, and messed about with it some; I was quite proud of myself this weekend, getting things a bit more into shape, a new page, etc…I kind of reorganized the links, moreso on the back end for myself…(I really don’t like the way I have to put the links into WordPress, so I have been putting off fixing the ones I have and updating with new ones…*scowl*)

Happened to notice that I had several more hits than usual…Quite a few more, in fact (OK, 21 hits for me in one day is phenomenal…*grin*) I figured that that was due to my promotional activities over the weekend, and gee whiz, if I’d known that updating Flickr and Ravelry and Etsy would have got me more hits I would have done it a long time ago!


When I got my Ravelry invite back in July, I kind of lost my head and joined scads of groups, all of which were interesting to me, but few of which I participate in or even look at on a regular basis…Since I wanted to get my Blog all tricked out and organized-like, I joined the Blog Organization-Along way back in February, and then immediately began an intense program of procrastinating, punctuated with brief bouts of laziness…Well, they finished their ‘Along’, and posted links on the L & V Blog for all the Blogs that were redone and revamped and generally spiffied up…Mine was included on the list, even though I am not finished, and my links are just hanging out all over the place…*blushes*

I guess I do have something to do tonight now, don’t I?

Involuntary Blog Vacation

So, a couple of weeks ago, I subscribed to some Google Alerts about Yarny Things…That quickly got out of hand, since there are so many interesting Yarny Things online: people’s blogs, news stories, helpful websites, yarn pr0n, etc. I finally managed to get all these links I’d received under control and organized for posting/commenting when I realized that Bloogle, in all its infinite wisdom (read: morons!) had suspended my Blog because The Powers That Be had decided it was a Spam Blog

Tonight I’ll try to update some of these new links I’ve got, and hopefully will be able to get back to posting as usual very soon…

Last Night A Podcaster Saved My Life

With a 40 hour work week as a Cube Drone to contend with, and some pressure from my supervisor to actually concentrate, and perform the duties associated with the Dronage, instead of slipping into an 8 hour Boredom Coma each day, I finally stumbled upon the Wonderful World of Podcasts a few weeks ago…

It sounds completely melodramatic, but I don’t know how I got on before now…*grin*

The first one I downloaded, on the recommendation of the lovely Sleepycat, was Lime & Violet, though I think the first one I actually listened to was Mr. David’s Sticks and String…I fell in love…He has a voice like melted chocolate (and I’m a sucker for accents anyway) and his podcast is organized and professional-sounding, while still being friendly and personal…The only problem with his podcast for me personally is that I enjoyed it so much I listened right through all the archives in a couple of weeks, and now I have to wait and wait for the new episodes…*scowl*

My secret crush on David Reidy led me to search iTunes for more knitting/fiber podcasts…Which led me to Brenda Dayne…OMGs, Brenda Dayne! She is a goddess…A Goddess!!! I was very interested in her podcast right from the start, since she seems so knowledgeable, and my knitting needs serious help, but I became a Giggling Fan Girl the second I heard her essay/rant on the Sew Fast Sew Easy trademark issue…

Recently, I’ve discovered Kelli’s podcast, Unwound…I have only listened to a few, but I’m liking it already, since she covers a lot of crochet as well…(Don’t get me started on the ‘Knitting vs Crochet Debate‘, OK, because I could go on for hours…)

I am also a big Guido fan…I admit, I have a soft spot for the Boys Who Knit, since I think in the hyper-masculine culture we have in this country today, doing something normally considered a ‘female pastime’ as a man is creative and fearless, and I love that…Guido has a certain sweet charm to him that comes through his podcast, and honestly, his taste in music is much closer to my own than some of the tunes on other podcasts I listen to…(With the possible exception of Lime & Violet; those songs freakin’ ROCK! They should get all the artists together to make a L&V Rawk Chick Goofy Knitting CD!)

I’m still keeping a look out for new podcasts, since as I work through the archives of each of my fiber ‘casts, I’m afraid I’ll run out of listening material, and a day without yarn is like a day without…*mutters*…something important…


Being a narcissistic Blogger type, I have been posting, and checking the Blog, and posting and checking the Blog, ad nauseum, to see who’s looking at it…

Put up a Frappr map, started obsessively clicking my Bravenet stats to see who might be reading my Fiber crap…

And I started to get a little depressed…“Noone’s commenting, noone’s commenting, oh well, I’m not really all that interesting anyway, blah blah…”

Of course, remembering to TURN BLOGGER COMMENTS ON would also help…


Being Crochety

Here’s a link to an awesome video Sleepycat made for her Crochet 101 class…


Evil Bloogle

Moved the Fiber Blog so it can live happily with the other Blogs and they can all laugh and play together…

Or maybe just because it’s easier for me…*snort*