Last Night A Podcaster Saved My Life

With a 40 hour work week as a Cube Drone to contend with, and some pressure from my supervisor to actually concentrate, and perform the duties associated with the Dronage, instead of slipping into an 8 hour Boredom Coma each day, I finally stumbled upon the Wonderful World of Podcasts a few weeks ago…

It sounds completely melodramatic, but I don’t know how I got on before now…*grin*

The first one I downloaded, on the recommendation of the lovely Sleepycat, was Lime & Violet, though I think the first one I actually listened to was Mr. David’s Sticks and String…I fell in love…He has a voice like melted chocolate (and I’m a sucker for accents anyway) and his podcast is organized and professional-sounding, while still being friendly and personal…The only problem with his podcast for me personally is that I enjoyed it so much I listened right through all the archives in a couple of weeks, and now I have to wait and wait for the new episodes…*scowl*

My secret crush on David Reidy led me to search iTunes for more knitting/fiber podcasts…Which led me to Brenda Dayne…OMGs, Brenda Dayne! She is a goddess…A Goddess!!! I was very interested in her podcast right from the start, since she seems so knowledgeable, and my knitting needs serious help, but I became a Giggling Fan Girl the second I heard her essay/rant on the Sew Fast Sew Easy trademark issue…

Recently, I’ve discovered Kelli’s podcast, Unwound…I have only listened to a few, but I’m liking it already, since she covers a lot of crochet as well…(Don’t get me started on the ‘Knitting vs Crochet Debate‘, OK, because I could go on for hours…)

I am also a big Guido fan…I admit, I have a soft spot for the Boys Who Knit, since I think in the hyper-masculine culture we have in this country today, doing something normally considered a ‘female pastime’ as a man is creative and fearless, and I love that…Guido has a certain sweet charm to him that comes through his podcast, and honestly, his taste in music is much closer to my own than some of the tunes on other podcasts I listen to…(With the possible exception of Lime & Violet; those songs freakin’ ROCK! They should get all the artists together to make a L&V Rawk Chick Goofy Knitting CD!)

I’m still keeping a look out for new podcasts, since as I work through the archives of each of my fiber ‘casts, I’m afraid I’ll run out of listening material, and a day without yarn is like a day without…*mutters*…something important…

One response to “Last Night A Podcaster Saved My Life

  • sleepycat

    I think I figured out the L&V thing. I listen for about 15-20 minutes in the morning on my way to work. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to an entire episode from start to finish at one time. They are basically a yarny Bob and Tom.

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